New release v1.2 of Apache Crail available for download
Paper on Crail’s system architecture was presented at USENIX ATC’19
Crail is now part of the YCSB benchmark suite
Slides from Oreilly’s Strata talk on Crail are now available
A new blog post discussing file formats performance is now online
A Spark serverless architecture powered by Crail will be presented today at the Spark Summit
Apache Crail (incubating) to feature in the DataWorks Summit on June 21st
Apache Crail 1.0 incubator release
Crail is now an Apache Incubator project!
New blog post about Crail’s metadata performance and scalability
Crail features in the FLOSS weekly podcast
New blog post about SparkRDMA and Crail shuffle plugins
Crail on OpenPower discussed by Peter Hofstee on Youtube
DiSNI, the RDMA and NVMe user-level stack used in Crail is now available on Maven Central
First release of the NVMeF storage tier for Crail is available at GitHub
We are presenting Crail at the Spark Summit in San Francisco on June 6th
We are presenting Crail at a meetup before the DataWorks Summit in Munich on April 4th
We are presenting Crail at the Open Fabrics Workshop in Austin on March 28th
Our work on Storage disaggregation using Crail at the Non-Volatile Memories Workshop
New blog post about sorting on a 100Gbit/s cluster using Spark/Crail
First release of the Spark shuffle engine available at GitHub
First release of the Crail distributed file system available at GitHub